Overcoming and Preventing Bleeding Nose (Nosebleed)
Without knowing because it was clear, a sudden nose bleed. The event was generally attacks children, although sometimes also found in adults.
Nosebleed characterized by bleeding from the nose. Nose bleeding generally occurs only in one nostril, except if caused by a blood disease or serious injury.
Why can the nose bleed? Nose bleeding may occur because the blood vessels in the nasal mucous membrane rupture. Rupture of blood vessels, causing blood out continuously from the nose. There are many factors that cause the outbreak of nasal blood vessels, among others:
1. Fished around the nostrils or because of inflammation in the nose that causes fragile blood vessels.
2. Suffering from fever. Fever is usually characterized by increased body temperature, so that the body was hot. It can cause dry nasal mucous membranes. Dry mucous membranes of the nose cause the blood vessels in the
easily broken nose.
3. Inhaling the chemicals that cause irritation of the mucosa (mucous membrane) on the nose.
4. Injury from an accident or hit with something hard, beaten and struck the nose
5. Possessed objects, pinch your nose, blowing through the nose
6. (Additional: There is a saying that bleeding can occur because the weather is too hot)
The loss of blood due to bleeding can cause mild headaches, dizziness and a bit hard to breathe. Mild nosebleed can end / stop less than 10 minutes after being given help. Nosebleeds can also be severe bleeding and require more serious. In severe nose bleeding, blood seeping from the blood vessels broken nose, into the middle ear to the corner of the eye, too .cause heavy bleeding can lower blood pressure, heart beats faster, breathing hard and face became pale. Bleeding can be categorized as severe if the blood stops out in more than 10 minutes after being given the help and cause loss of blood 1 liter / hour.
Categorized heavy nosebleed is bleeding from the nose is very deep, so-called posterior nosebleeds. This type of bleeding usually occurs in older people and is caused by several things:
- Atherosclerosis (hardening) of blood vessels in the nose,
- High blood pressure,
- Nasal tumors
Nosebleed requires serious treatment. Bleeding continuously from the nose was able to make people panic and fear, but try to remain calm, because to stop the bleeding nose needed tranquility. The panic and rush can cause the blood pouring out. For minor bleeding (not serious), as first aid to prevent the blood out continuously, can be done the following steps are:
1. Sitting with his head slightly forward. Do not down, because it can cause the blood rushing out of the nose
2. Nostrils pins by using the thumb and forefinger so that the nasal septum (septum that separates the right nostril and left) as a massage gently. Do it for 15 minutes and never released.
3. Breathe through the mouth
4. Compress the area around the nose by using a clean cloth that has been soaked in cold water (ice)
5. Within 24 hours, do not lift things hard or exercising too hard to avoid a bloody nose again.
6. Blood from the nose can also seep into the mouth and throat. Blood is not to be swallowed and should be removed from the mouth. Swallowing large amounts of blood can cause stomach discomfort and finally, vomiting. If the nosebleed does not stop after 10 minutes, do not panic and stay calm for a doctor to seek help. Panic and run when the blood cause nosebleeds occur more quickly out.
Tips to prevent nosebleeds:
1. Do not dig or put something into the nostril.
2. Sneeze with your mouth open
3. When fever and body temperature increased, compress to normalize body temperature.
Here's how to cope with nosebleeds by using medicinal plants.
1. betel leaves are rather young pulverized, then rolled to a bloody nose clogged.
2. 30-60 grams of root fresh reeds washed and boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered, drunk after a cold.
3. 200 grams of blended lotus roots, water dripped into the nose of about 2-3 drops, and the rest taken.
- To use the pot boiling the ground
- Nosebleed with hemorrhage a great and difficult to stop, must remain a doctor.
Kamis, 11 Februari 2010
Minggu, 06 Desember 2009
Healthy Snacking Tips.
Snacking is a way to get satisfaction from the crush of life stress. In fact, the more frequent snacking, someone more often pursued by guilt that haunted obesity and unhealthy living patterns. No need to worry, there is a healthy snack that way you can try the following:
- Snacking usually come because of stress. Yes, eating is just an escape from these conditions. Therefore, find the cause of your stress so do not try to seek comfort through food is not healthy. Especially for pregnant women who usually have erratic mood, provide a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables.
- We recommend that you stock the pantry or your refrigerator with healthy foods such as popcorn filling, dry bread, fried rice, unsweetened fruit juices, fresh fruit and vegetables, low-fat yogurt, cheese low in sodium and fat. Use salt substitutes also if you need.
- For your leisure time, provide grape or pear juice.
- Choose snacks that are full of fiber, such as apple with skin.
- Avoid low-fat snacks such as ice cream nutrition, and other chips.
- Do not be late for lunch. The reason, a late lunch, will make you feel hungry again three hours after eating. If not snacking, the tendency to eat more meals at dinner a lot.
- Snacking people do when the mood is bad or stress. Sometimes, when cravings arise, we do not know what we really feel.
The following types of healthy snacks according to your mood.
a. When bored: select popcorn, carrots, bread sticks, pickled, or fried rice as a snack.
b. When lonely: choose low-fat ice cream, nonfat yogurt, banana or mango, chicken soup, low-fat cheese with fruit, low-fat milk and cakes or biscuits.
c. When you feel really hungry: should consume low-fat cheese plus fruit, yogurt and fruit, cereal and milk, bread with applesauce, bananas and low-calorie glass of milk or a cup of hot soup with vegetables and biscuits.
d. If you're thirsty: satisfied with drinking water, fruit juice, lemon juice, watermelon, grapes, or other favorite fruit.
- Snacking usually come because of stress. Yes, eating is just an escape from these conditions. Therefore, find the cause of your stress so do not try to seek comfort through food is not healthy. Especially for pregnant women who usually have erratic mood, provide a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables.
- We recommend that you stock the pantry or your refrigerator with healthy foods such as popcorn filling, dry bread, fried rice, unsweetened fruit juices, fresh fruit and vegetables, low-fat yogurt, cheese low in sodium and fat. Use salt substitutes also if you need.
- For your leisure time, provide grape or pear juice.
- Choose snacks that are full of fiber, such as apple with skin.
- Avoid low-fat snacks such as ice cream nutrition, and other chips.
- Do not be late for lunch. The reason, a late lunch, will make you feel hungry again three hours after eating. If not snacking, the tendency to eat more meals at dinner a lot.
- Snacking people do when the mood is bad or stress. Sometimes, when cravings arise, we do not know what we really feel.
The following types of healthy snacks according to your mood.
a. When bored: select popcorn, carrots, bread sticks, pickled, or fried rice as a snack.
b. When lonely: choose low-fat ice cream, nonfat yogurt, banana or mango, chicken soup, low-fat cheese with fruit, low-fat milk and cakes or biscuits.
c. When you feel really hungry: should consume low-fat cheese plus fruit, yogurt and fruit, cereal and milk, bread with applesauce, bananas and low-calorie glass of milk or a cup of hot soup with vegetables and biscuits.
d. If you're thirsty: satisfied with drinking water, fruit juice, lemon juice, watermelon, grapes, or other favorite fruit.
iPods make Ear buzzing
Music one way booster spirit, music makes life more alive, but what happens when music makes the ears buzzing? Certainly not the music that makes ears 'ngungung', but we listen to the behavior that makes listening to music so no longer sharp.
Researchers in Australia found about a quarter of users iPods have a hearing loss. iPods users mania or other portable music players are often at risk of increased ear buzzing (tinnitus) or other hearing problems, this tendency is more often found in iPods users crazy turn the volume of his iPods.
National Acoustic Laboratories in Sydney asked the respondents listened to music with a volume comparable to motors powered device (ie: drilling machine). The researchers found that the level of buzzing (tinnitus) will increase because the hearing could not adopt the normal practice of their ears.
The study noted about 25 percent of respondents tend to listen to iPods or other portable music in the capacity of 'noisy' is proportional to the noise level at noise lawn mower or motorcycle engine device, with an average intensity above 85 decibels.
In its normal size, people with normal hearing his audiogram lies between 0 to 20 decibels, more than 30 decibels with a range of up to 100 decibels means that there is hearing loss.
The size of the intensity recorded in normal hearing audiogram form, which audigram located between 30 to 40 decibels, including light interference. From 40 to 60 decibels, including the scale was. Between 60 and 90 decibels is heavy. As an illustration, the sound of the street the same drill with the 100 decibels. Aircraft engine 120 decibels. A quiet room was approximately 30 to 40 decibels.
"Enjoy the disco music, attend a dance, working in a factory, listening to music while driving or just listening to music in the room, if you interfere with any ear condition that has included the category 'noise'," said Professor Harvey Dillon, initiating research.
"It is better to listen to music in the normal frequency, the disorder may not appear in the near future but did not close the possibility of triggering a more severe disruption next few years," added Prof. Dillon
Researchers in Australia found about a quarter of users iPods have a hearing loss. iPods users mania or other portable music players are often at risk of increased ear buzzing (tinnitus) or other hearing problems, this tendency is more often found in iPods users crazy turn the volume of his iPods.
National Acoustic Laboratories in Sydney asked the respondents listened to music with a volume comparable to motors powered device (ie: drilling machine). The researchers found that the level of buzzing (tinnitus) will increase because the hearing could not adopt the normal practice of their ears.
The study noted about 25 percent of respondents tend to listen to iPods or other portable music in the capacity of 'noisy' is proportional to the noise level at noise lawn mower or motorcycle engine device, with an average intensity above 85 decibels.
In its normal size, people with normal hearing his audiogram lies between 0 to 20 decibels, more than 30 decibels with a range of up to 100 decibels means that there is hearing loss.
The size of the intensity recorded in normal hearing audiogram form, which audigram located between 30 to 40 decibels, including light interference. From 40 to 60 decibels, including the scale was. Between 60 and 90 decibels is heavy. As an illustration, the sound of the street the same drill with the 100 decibels. Aircraft engine 120 decibels. A quiet room was approximately 30 to 40 decibels.
"Enjoy the disco music, attend a dance, working in a factory, listening to music while driving or just listening to music in the room, if you interfere with any ear condition that has included the category 'noise'," said Professor Harvey Dillon, initiating research.
"It is better to listen to music in the normal frequency, the disorder may not appear in the near future but did not close the possibility of triggering a more severe disruption next few years," added Prof. Dillon
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
keep your eye from the eye doctor
Consume more fruit because you can make your eyes are protected from certain diseases. ' The suggestion made by Dr. Eunyoung Cho from 'Brigham and women' s hospital ' of Boston (United States) after a study of 118.000 people between 12 and 18. During the study research team observed how much fruit such as apple, lime, avocado, banana. consumption every day and the results of a study published in archives of Ophthalmology. Maculopatía or degeneration macular is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly over age 65. The lack of fruit can be a deficiency that suspected sensitivity to the Sun, called retina. Previous research shows that antioxidant vitamins containing minerals and supplements that contain vitamin C and E, beta-carotene and zinc to delay the process as maculopatía compounds. This time, research by Hospital Brigham and Women, focusing on how the fruit of much
healthy with lime
In addition to being syrup, lime juice which tasted a mix of acid or other drinks, such as herbal medicine. Lime because not only could become a refreshing drink, but also contains the drug efficacy. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) is a plant with many branches of shrubs. This plant is widely planted in the yard and garden.
The height can reach six meters. The leaves are oval shaped and each leaf-stemmed leaves. Star-shaped flowers are white. Tough woody stems, and usually bear fruit after 2.5 years. The fruit is round with a smooth surface, thin-skinned, yellow and green when older. This plant is thought to have come from north Indian region.
The fruit contains a lot of water and vitamin C is high enough. Leaves, fruit, and flowers contain oil fly. Lime usually grow well in lowland areas that were exposed to sunlight. Lime citric acid, amino acids (tryptophan, lysine), essential oils (sitral, limonen, felandren, lemon kamfer, kadinen, gerani-lasetat, linali-lasetat, aktilaldehid, nnildehid) resin, glycosides, citric acid, fat, calcium , phosphorus, iron, sulfur vitamin B1 and C.
Taste sour lemon can help clear the nicotine contained in the teeth and mouth of people who like to smoke. From the contents of oil and substances in it, lime is used to overcome dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoid, irregular menstruation, diphtheria, acne, headache or vertigo, hoarseness, cough, body odors, increase appetite, prevent hair loss, dandruff , flu, fever, too fat, tonsils, Anyang-anyangan disease (painful urination), nosebleeds, and inflammation of the nose.
From some recent research shows, lemon juice also has the benefits of preventing a recurrence of kidney stones, especially the idiopathic calcium kidney stones. According to the report, consumption of lime can prevent kidney stones. This is recognized by the Installation Chief Renal Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Prof. DR Mochammad Sja'bani.
In these studies note that contains citric lime high, while many kidney stone sufferers have low levels of citrate. He said the content of citric local lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle )10 times greater than the content of citrate in orange, or six times a sweet orange. Gynecology Citric reached 55.6 grams in kilogram.
In general, the citric acid in the urine in people with kidney stones lowest in the evening and early morning. Thus giving better lime consumed just after dinner. Lime juice consumed after dinner is not reported gastric complaints. Juice of two lime was diluted in two cups of water.
Drinking this juice mixture to reduce and prevent the recurrence of idiopathic calcium kidney stones. Prevention of this disease should cause this type was found in about 80 percent of patients with kidney stones. However, prevention and treatment of this disease is done by limiting the consumption of salt or salty foods, provide adequate input calcium, low protein and phosphate
The height can reach six meters. The leaves are oval shaped and each leaf-stemmed leaves. Star-shaped flowers are white. Tough woody stems, and usually bear fruit after 2.5 years. The fruit is round with a smooth surface, thin-skinned, yellow and green when older. This plant is thought to have come from north Indian region.
The fruit contains a lot of water and vitamin C is high enough. Leaves, fruit, and flowers contain oil fly. Lime usually grow well in lowland areas that were exposed to sunlight. Lime citric acid, amino acids (tryptophan, lysine), essential oils (sitral, limonen, felandren, lemon kamfer, kadinen, gerani-lasetat, linali-lasetat, aktilaldehid, nnildehid) resin, glycosides, citric acid, fat, calcium , phosphorus, iron, sulfur vitamin B1 and C.
Taste sour lemon can help clear the nicotine contained in the teeth and mouth of people who like to smoke. From the contents of oil and substances in it, lime is used to overcome dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoid, irregular menstruation, diphtheria, acne, headache or vertigo, hoarseness, cough, body odors, increase appetite, prevent hair loss, dandruff , flu, fever, too fat, tonsils, Anyang-anyangan disease (painful urination), nosebleeds, and inflammation of the nose.
From some recent research shows, lemon juice also has the benefits of preventing a recurrence of kidney stones, especially the idiopathic calcium kidney stones. According to the report, consumption of lime can prevent kidney stones. This is recognized by the Installation Chief Renal Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Prof. DR Mochammad Sja'bani.
In these studies note that contains citric lime high, while many kidney stone sufferers have low levels of citrate. He said the content of citric local lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle )10 times greater than the content of citrate in orange, or six times a sweet orange. Gynecology Citric reached 55.6 grams in kilogram.
In general, the citric acid in the urine in people with kidney stones lowest in the evening and early morning. Thus giving better lime consumed just after dinner. Lime juice consumed after dinner is not reported gastric complaints. Juice of two lime was diluted in two cups of water.
Drinking this juice mixture to reduce and prevent the recurrence of idiopathic calcium kidney stones. Prevention of this disease should cause this type was found in about 80 percent of patients with kidney stones. However, prevention and treatment of this disease is done by limiting the consumption of salt or salty foods, provide adequate input calcium, low protein and phosphate
Avocado, The Healthy Green
We all know avocado, green fruit flesh soft, with a yummy taste .. fruit hmmmm this one is fit for any healthy meal everyday. Not just for juice, mixed ice mix, pudding but he could also for mixed salads. Ordinary eaten OK.
Although the skin is not too perfect than apple or pear and the price is cheap, but the avocado is not less 'powerful' with the other fruit. He was able to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, because the avocado is the only fat-rich fruit, and even more modest than twice the fat content in durian.
However, we do not need to fear because fat healthy fats include avocado, because fatty acids domination monounsaturated oleic that are powerful antioxidants. Fat avocado helps reduce levels of "bad cholesterol" LDL cholesterol while raising "good cholesterol" HDL cholesterol, thus significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

This capability is reinforced by the content of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins are abundant in avocados. Perpetrators are generally less than optimal vegetarians get fat intake, because their avoidance of meat (which is always rich in fat). Besides expect adequate intake of fat from cooking oil, avocados can be another option to meet the needs of the body will be fat.
Avocado fat is healthy fat, as found in olive oil. In addition to control of hypertension, avocados are also rich in minerals potassium, but low sodium content. The comparison base is encouraging atmosphere in our bodies.
Decreased acidity of the body (blood and tissue) will suppress the emergence of diseases caused by the body is too acidic conditions, such as allergies, headaches, panic, respiratory disorders, digestive disorders. Because the levels of folic acid and vitamin E was also high in potassium avocado is more effective in soaking hypertension and may help expedite the flow of blood.
Unlike other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, a fruit sugar, but the abundance of cellulose fibers. These factors make the avocado is recommended as part of the menu to control diabetes. Now the main, avocado was really good for skin and hair.
Iron and copper in abundance to make avocado important in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of nutritional anemia. Combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, potassium and make good avocado for healthy skin and hair. With the folic acid and vitamin B, and B vitamins other, avocado ideal for stimulating the formation of collagen tissue.
You need to know, that the habit of eating without cooking fresh avocado very profitable, because the nutrients and compounds to be intact fitokimiawinya. But still it must be remembered that avocados contain fat that could make body weight increasing.
Although the skin is not too perfect than apple or pear and the price is cheap, but the avocado is not less 'powerful' with the other fruit. He was able to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, because the avocado is the only fat-rich fruit, and even more modest than twice the fat content in durian.
However, we do not need to fear because fat healthy fats include avocado, because fatty acids domination monounsaturated oleic that are powerful antioxidants. Fat avocado helps reduce levels of "bad cholesterol" LDL cholesterol while raising "good cholesterol" HDL cholesterol, thus significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

This capability is reinforced by the content of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins are abundant in avocados. Perpetrators are generally less than optimal vegetarians get fat intake, because their avoidance of meat (which is always rich in fat). Besides expect adequate intake of fat from cooking oil, avocados can be another option to meet the needs of the body will be fat.
Avocado fat is healthy fat, as found in olive oil. In addition to control of hypertension, avocados are also rich in minerals potassium, but low sodium content. The comparison base is encouraging atmosphere in our bodies.
Decreased acidity of the body (blood and tissue) will suppress the emergence of diseases caused by the body is too acidic conditions, such as allergies, headaches, panic, respiratory disorders, digestive disorders. Because the levels of folic acid and vitamin E was also high in potassium avocado is more effective in soaking hypertension and may help expedite the flow of blood.
Unlike other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, a fruit sugar, but the abundance of cellulose fibers. These factors make the avocado is recommended as part of the menu to control diabetes. Now the main, avocado was really good for skin and hair.
Iron and copper in abundance to make avocado important in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of nutritional anemia. Combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, potassium and make good avocado for healthy skin and hair. With the folic acid and vitamin B, and B vitamins other, avocado ideal for stimulating the formation of collagen tissue.
You need to know, that the habit of eating without cooking fresh avocado very profitable, because the nutrients and compounds to be intact fitokimiawinya. But still it must be remembered that avocados contain fat that could make body weight increasing.
19 Honey Benefits
Honey, The Sweet The Many Benefits
Honey Benefits
1. Hair loss
People who experience hair loss or baldness can use a mixture of hot olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath. Apply on the head and let stand for about 15 minutes after it had washed. The study also proved that hushed up an herb for 5 minutes was still effective.
2. Bladder infection
Mix 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and 1 teaspoon
in a glass of water to lukewarm. After that drink. This potion to kill the germs in the bladder.
3. Toothache
Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 5 tablespoons of honey.
4. Cholesterol
Blood cholesterol levels can be lowered to 2 tablespoons honey and 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in 16-ounce (16 times of about 28 grams 1 pound = 454 grams) of tea. This herb can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood up to 10 percent in 2 hours. Pure
taken daily cholesterol lighten disorders.
5. Colds
Light and heavy colds can be cured by honey 1 tablespoon lukewarm and ¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This herb can cure almost all chronic cough and runny nose and sinus cleaning.
6. Infertility
Greek and Ayurvedic Medicine have been using honey for years to strengthen the cement (sperm = semen) of the men. Two tablespoons of honey taken regularly before bed will nourish effect. Female Japan, China and East Asia a difficult pregnancy and want to strengthen the uterus, commonly taking cinnamon powder for centuries ago.
Difficult pregnant women should be applied as often as a spoonful of honey and cinnamon powder on his gums. Cinnamon will mix with saliva and enters the body. There were couples from Maryland does not have an offspring for 14 years and were desperate. When knowing properties of cinnamon and honey, they consume these ingredients. The wife began to conceive and give birth to twins.
7. Stomachache
Honey mixed with cinnamon powder can cure stomach pains. Also able to clean the stomach, and ulcer healing to the roots.
8. Flatulent
Research conducted in India and Japan declared that the honey is taken with cinnamon may reduce flatulence.
9. Breath
A teaspoon of
and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water can make a fresh breath all day. South Americans used to drink the concoction in the morning.
10. Sinus headache
Drinking a mixture of honey and lemon juice can cure sinus headaches.
11. Fatigue
A recent study showed that the sugar content in honey is more helpful than the expense of the body. The elderly who consume honey and cinnamon powder with an equal measure, proved to be more fit and flexible. Research Dr. Milton proved ½ tablespoons of honey taken with a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder can increase the Vitali-body bag in a week. Potion is drunk every day after brushing my teeth and at 3 pm at the vitality of the body decreases.
12. Cancer
Recent research in Japan and Australia showed that stomach cancer and advanced stage of bone can be cured by honey and cinnamon. Patient enough to drink 1 tablespoon honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month 3 times a day.
13. Overweight
Drink a glass of boiled water with honey and cinnamon powder ½ hours every morning before breakfast or when the stomach is empty. When done regularly can lose weight, even for people who are obese, drink this potion on a regular basis will prevent the fat accumulated in the body, although still eating high-calorie foods.
14. Influenza
Spanish scientists has proved that honey contains natural ingredients that kill bacteria and cure the patient of influenza from the flu. So when will drink cold honey.
15. Acne
Spread 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on the face before bed. Rinse the next morning with warm water. When done regularly every day for 2 weeks, pimples will heal up by the roots.
16. Skin infection
Take 1 part 1 part honey and cinnamon powder, apply on the skin of the sick.
17. Prevent aging
Tea mixed with honey and cinnamon powder and drink each day can prevent aging. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and boiled like making tea. Drink as much as 4 times a day. This potion makes the skin smooth and fresh and prevent aging. Life expectancy also increases
18. Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis / Gout)
Take 1 part honey and 2 parts water lukewarm. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Combine honey, water is lukewarm and cinnamon. Massage into the affected part gently. The pain will be reduced within 1-2 minutes. Or arthritis sufferers can drink 1 cup hot water with 2 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder every day, morning and night.
If taken regularly, this herb can cure chronic arthritis. Recent research at Copenhagen University uses a mixture of 1 tablespoon honey and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder given to patients before breakfast. The results of the week 73 of the 200 patients treated recovered. Most patients who can not walk or move because of arthritis can walk without pain.
19. Heart disease
Apply honey and cinnamon powder on bread at breakfast time each day. Honey and cinnamon, reduce cholesterol in the arteries, and reduce the risk of heart attack. People who have a heart attack when taking honey and cinnamon each day can avoid second heart attacks.
Consumption of honey and cinnamon on a regular basis can facilitate breathing and strengthen the heartbeat. Wredha nursing (nursing) in the United States and Canada, managed to treat inmates who have problems due to clogged blood vessels, and reduced flexibility because of age, with these ingredients.
Honey Benefits
1. Hair loss
People who experience hair loss or baldness can use a mixture of hot olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath. Apply on the head and let stand for about 15 minutes after it had washed. The study also proved that hushed up an herb for 5 minutes was still effective.
2. Bladder infection
Mix 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and 1 teaspoon
in a glass of water to lukewarm. After that drink. This potion to kill the germs in the bladder.
3. Toothache
Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 5 tablespoons of honey.
4. Cholesterol
Blood cholesterol levels can be lowered to 2 tablespoons honey and 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in 16-ounce (16 times of about 28 grams 1 pound = 454 grams) of tea. This herb can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood up to 10 percent in 2 hours. Pure
taken daily cholesterol lighten disorders.
5. Colds
Light and heavy colds can be cured by honey 1 tablespoon lukewarm and ¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This herb can cure almost all chronic cough and runny nose and sinus cleaning.
6. Infertility
Greek and Ayurvedic Medicine have been using honey for years to strengthen the cement (sperm = semen) of the men. Two tablespoons of honey taken regularly before bed will nourish effect. Female Japan, China and East Asia a difficult pregnancy and want to strengthen the uterus, commonly taking cinnamon powder for centuries ago.
Difficult pregnant women should be applied as often as a spoonful of honey and cinnamon powder on his gums. Cinnamon will mix with saliva and enters the body. There were couples from Maryland does not have an offspring for 14 years and were desperate. When knowing properties of cinnamon and honey, they consume these ingredients. The wife began to conceive and give birth to twins.
7. Stomachache
Honey mixed with cinnamon powder can cure stomach pains. Also able to clean the stomach, and ulcer healing to the roots.
8. Flatulent
Research conducted in India and Japan declared that the honey is taken with cinnamon may reduce flatulence.
9. Breath
A teaspoon of
and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water can make a fresh breath all day. South Americans used to drink the concoction in the morning.
10. Sinus headache
Drinking a mixture of honey and lemon juice can cure sinus headaches.
11. Fatigue
A recent study showed that the sugar content in honey is more helpful than the expense of the body. The elderly who consume honey and cinnamon powder with an equal measure, proved to be more fit and flexible. Research Dr. Milton proved ½ tablespoons of honey taken with a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder can increase the Vitali-body bag in a week. Potion is drunk every day after brushing my teeth and at 3 pm at the vitality of the body decreases.
12. Cancer
Recent research in Japan and Australia showed that stomach cancer and advanced stage of bone can be cured by honey and cinnamon. Patient enough to drink 1 tablespoon honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month 3 times a day.
13. Overweight
Drink a glass of boiled water with honey and cinnamon powder ½ hours every morning before breakfast or when the stomach is empty. When done regularly can lose weight, even for people who are obese, drink this potion on a regular basis will prevent the fat accumulated in the body, although still eating high-calorie foods.
14. Influenza
Spanish scientists has proved that honey contains natural ingredients that kill bacteria and cure the patient of influenza from the flu. So when will drink cold honey.
15. Acne
Spread 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on the face before bed. Rinse the next morning with warm water. When done regularly every day for 2 weeks, pimples will heal up by the roots.
16. Skin infection
Take 1 part 1 part honey and cinnamon powder, apply on the skin of the sick.
17. Prevent aging
Tea mixed with honey and cinnamon powder and drink each day can prevent aging. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and boiled like making tea. Drink as much as 4 times a day. This potion makes the skin smooth and fresh and prevent aging. Life expectancy also increases
18. Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis / Gout)
Take 1 part honey and 2 parts water lukewarm. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Combine honey, water is lukewarm and cinnamon. Massage into the affected part gently. The pain will be reduced within 1-2 minutes. Or arthritis sufferers can drink 1 cup hot water with 2 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder every day, morning and night.
If taken regularly, this herb can cure chronic arthritis. Recent research at Copenhagen University uses a mixture of 1 tablespoon honey and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder given to patients before breakfast. The results of the week 73 of the 200 patients treated recovered. Most patients who can not walk or move because of arthritis can walk without pain.
19. Heart disease
Apply honey and cinnamon powder on bread at breakfast time each day. Honey and cinnamon, reduce cholesterol in the arteries, and reduce the risk of heart attack. People who have a heart attack when taking honey and cinnamon each day can avoid second heart attacks.
Consumption of honey and cinnamon on a regular basis can facilitate breathing and strengthen the heartbeat. Wredha nursing (nursing) in the United States and Canada, managed to treat inmates who have problems due to clogged blood vessels, and reduced flexibility because of age, with these ingredients.
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