Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Overcoming and Preventing Bleeding Nose (Nosebleed)

Overcoming and Preventing Bleeding Nose (Nosebleed)

Without knowing because it was clear, a sudden nose bleed. The event was generally attacks children, although sometimes also found in adults.

Nosebleed characterized by bleeding from the nose. Nose bleeding generally occurs only in one nostril, except if caused by a blood disease or serious injury.

Why can the nose bleed? Nose bleeding may occur because the blood vessels in the nasal mucous membrane rupture. Rupture of blood vessels, causing blood out continuously from the nose. There are many factors that cause the outbreak of nasal blood vessels, among others:

1. Fished around the nostrils or because of inflammation in the nose that causes fragile blood vessels.
2. Suffering from fever. Fever is usually characterized by increased body temperature, so that the body was hot. It can cause dry nasal mucous membranes. Dry mucous membranes of the nose cause the blood vessels in the
easily broken nose.
3. Inhaling the chemicals that cause irritation of the mucosa (mucous membrane) on the nose.
4. Injury from an accident or hit with something hard, beaten and struck the nose
5. Possessed objects, pinch your nose, blowing through the nose
6. (Additional: There is a saying that bleeding can occur because the weather is too hot)

The loss of blood due to bleeding can cause mild headaches, dizziness and a bit hard to breathe. Mild nosebleed can end / stop less than 10 minutes after being given help. Nosebleeds can also be severe bleeding and require more serious. In severe nose bleeding, blood seeping from the blood vessels broken nose, into the middle ear to the corner of the eye, too .cause heavy bleeding can lower blood pressure, heart beats faster, breathing hard and face became pale. Bleeding can be categorized as severe if the blood stops out in more than 10 minutes after being given the help and cause loss of blood 1 liter / hour.

Categorized heavy nosebleed is bleeding from the nose is very deep, so-called posterior nosebleeds. This type of bleeding usually occurs in older people and is caused by several things:
- Atherosclerosis (hardening) of blood vessels in the nose,
- High blood pressure,
- Nasal tumors

Nosebleed requires serious treatment. Bleeding continuously from the nose was able to make people panic and fear, but try to remain calm, because to stop the bleeding nose needed tranquility. The panic and rush can cause the blood pouring out. For minor bleeding (not serious), as first aid to prevent the blood out continuously, can be done the following steps are:

1. Sitting with his head slightly forward. Do not down, because it can cause the blood rushing out of the nose
2. Nostrils pins by using the thumb and forefinger so that the nasal septum (septum that separates the right nostril and left) as a massage gently. Do it for 15 minutes and never released.
3. Breathe through the mouth
4. Compress the area around the nose by using a clean cloth that has been soaked in cold water (ice)
5. Within 24 hours, do not lift things hard or exercising too hard to avoid a bloody nose again.
6. Blood from the nose can also seep into the mouth and throat. Blood is not to be swallowed and should be removed from the mouth. Swallowing large amounts of blood can cause stomach discomfort and finally, vomiting. If the nosebleed does not stop after 10 minutes, do not panic and stay calm for a doctor to seek help. Panic and run when the blood cause nosebleeds occur more quickly out.

Tips to prevent nosebleeds:

1. Do not dig or put something into the nostril.
2. Sneeze with your mouth open
3. When fever and body temperature increased, compress to normalize body temperature.
Here's how to cope with nosebleeds by using medicinal plants.


1. betel leaves are rather young pulverized, then rolled to a bloody nose clogged.


2. 30-60 grams of root fresh reeds washed and boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered, drunk after a cold.


3. 200 grams of blended lotus roots, water dripped into the nose of about 2-3 drops, and the rest taken.

- To use the pot boiling the ground
- Nosebleed with hemorrhage a great and difficult to stop, must remain a doctor.

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