Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

keep your eye from the eye doctor

Consume more fruit because you can make your eyes are protected from certain diseases. ' The suggestion made by Dr. Eunyoung Cho from 'Brigham and women' s hospital ' of Boston (United States) after a study of 118.000 people between 12 and 18. During the study research team observed how much fruit such as apple, lime, avocado, banana. consumption every day and the results of a study published in archives of Ophthalmology. Maculopatía or degeneration macular is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly over age 65. The lack of fruit can be a deficiency that suspected sensitivity to the Sun, called retina. Previous research shows that antioxidant vitamins containing minerals and supplements that contain vitamin C and E, beta-carotene and zinc to delay the process as maculopatía compounds. This time, research by Hospital Brigham and Women, focusing on how the fruit of much

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