all kinds of diseases, kidney, lung, Cancer, Liver. Constipation And also to diet.
Basically, all diseases caused by the human blood circulation is not well in that particular organ congestion. rest of the body's metabolism / or toxins in our blood can not get out has resulted in damage to the organ systems of our body to overcome it before we get the disease the disease is worth fix our lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, eating fruits and vegetables because inside there are many active substances that can bind / neutralize the Free Radicals, remove smoking habits, alcohol drinking, reduce coffee for the 3 substances Nutrition reduce absorption by our bodies.
Water therapy: Therapy is done with drinking water by 1 to 1 ½ liters in the morning wake up time before we brush teeth. Why drinking lots of water because with drink plenty of water after waking up to push toxic substances in our bodies accumulate, why before brushing your teeth ... ...? Before you brush your teeth because the enzyme is in our saliva would wake up after ingested with the water we drink because this enzyme is to facilitate digestion useful us with a good digestive metabolism so the body will come out easily and not much accumulated in the body. Another benefit of water therapy to rejuvenate our blood. Why because our blood will always get the oxygen with adequate amounts of water because the water molecules there are also elements of oxygen (H2O). Direct benefits can be felt within a few days, which increased quality life, not easily tired, often mild illness such as influenza, cough was due to metabolism of the body will create the good of our Immune system to work well. such writings we can give may be useful for all peopleTips Maintain skin health and Freshness:
1. drinking water at least 8 glasses a day can keep your youthful look
2. protein nutritious food, vitamins, minerals sufficient
3. consume fruits and vegetables every day can keep the skin fresh
4. avoiding caffeine, nicotine and alcohol because these substances can reduce the absorption of nutrients, after consuming substance mentioned above are advised to drink lots of water to neutralize the substances mentioned above
5. Avoid excessive fried foods because foods contain many oil can accelerate skin aging.
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